Date: 2/17/08
Time: 3:02-3:06 pm
Duration: 4 min
Location: home toilet
Need: no need
Hardness: mushy
Bristol Stool Chart Type: 4
Consumed since last BM: cookie dough, turkey and swiss sandwich, veggie sandwich, sausage and egg bagel sandwich, chocolate cake, blueberries, peppermint tea, coffee, sesame seed bread w/ oil and vinegar.
Description: A lazy Sunday afternoon poo. A nice log broken up into two large chunks, pretty speckling of color throughout. This is the most solid poo I’ve had in awhile. Didn’t feel like I had to poo, but it had been almost a day, and I spelled some nasty asian food that one of my roommates was cooking, and it was like a pavlov’s dog reaction, immediately I wanted to take a dump when I smelled that nasty mushroom-heavy asian shit.